Most Popular Wedding Date of the Year: 11/11/11

Many couples take their time to choose their wedding date.  Some want to select a date that is meaningful to them as a couple.  It could be the anniversary of when they two of you met or an anniversary of a significant event in your relationship.  This year, the most sought after date for a wedding is November 11th, 2011.

Most Popular Wedding Date of the Year: 1111

A ruby eternity band would be perfect for the bride-to-be that is having a fall wedding.

In some circles, the number eleven has special spiritual meaning, such as balance.  Many couples are taking advantage of this once in a millennium date to celebrate their love and commitment.  November 11, 2011 weddings will surely be something to remember for the couple as well as their wedding guests.  Take advantage of the gorgeous and amazing colors that are associated with fall.  The autumn months have a variety of colors that are quite suitable for wedding colors.  Red is one of the most popular choices.  Some brides even choose to have their eternity engagement ring imitate life by selecting one with colored gems, rather than just white diamonds.  A ruby eternity band, for instance, would be an amazing wedding band to select if you are having a fall wedding.

We hope that you are looking forward to the array of fall weddings that will certainly be taking place this year.  We certainly are!

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