Everyone loves wearing their diamond jewelry. We want to wear it and enjoy it every day, which we should! However, sometimes we don’t think about the necessary care that fine jewelry requires. Proper jewelry care can sometimes be overlooked and when something horrible happens, like a diamond falling out, we wonder why or how it could ever happen. Today I want to talk about something quite important, when to wear and not wear your jewelry.
Have you ever looked down at your beautiful engagement ring and noticed that a prong is broken or bent? Believe me, it can happen. Throughout my career, I have had a few clients whose engagement rings or other pieces of fine jewelry have needed repairs. This is totally normal and there is no need to freak out!
Recently, I had an old friend send me her ring. Her husband proposed to her long before deBebians was even a thought in my mind, so the engagement ring didn’t come from us. Anyway, she called me panicking that one of the prongs on her ring was bent back, no longer holding the diamond and she could move it back and forth with her finger. I told her to send the ring to my office and that I would take a look at it for her and let her know what we could do. One of the first questions I asked her was if she remembered snagging or pulling her ring on anything. Her response was that she didn’t notice anything but that she wears her engagement ring 24/7. I smiled and told her that yes, I know you want to wear your ring 24/7, BUT there’s a time and a place to not wear your jewelry. As much as we want to wear our jewelry, we need to remember that jewelry is delicate and made of precious stones that can break, chip or crack.
My helpful jewelry care tip: Do not wear your jewelry working out, hiking, doing pilates or yoga. In my opinion, the most important thing is to be mindful of what you are doing while you are wearing your jewelry. For example, don’t pick up and carry heavy bags or boxes that could possibly cause damage. Just being aware of your jewelry while you are wearing it will really help to decrease possible times that damage can occur. I’m not saying to never wear your jewelry, I’m just saying to be careful while you are wearing it and to remember that at the end of the day, it’s made of metal and precious stones.