So everyone who’s been watching CW’s Arrow this past season finally got to see a good shot of the Olicity (Oliver Queen+Felicity Smoak ship name for those unaware) engagement ring and the proposal finally happened in the mid-season finale last Thursday. We’ve been waiting since the beginning of the season for this moment, so yay! (Let’s not talk about the rest of the finale.)
I’ve been seeing a bunch of comments on social media on my own time at home that people have been wondering about the Arrow engagement ring and trying to get their own version of that ring and so on, so I thought it’d be fun to do a run down on the ring and the style it is so that if you want to get a replica, you know what to look for and the lingo you need to get the same.
Anyway, in the episode, the ring was discovered by mistake before the proposal by Felicity’s mother who locates it among the Christmas decorations as she’s tidying up for the holidays and then we get a shot of the ring in the box.
And there it is in all of its glory. I think I’d have to go re-watch the episode again, but I think Felicity’s mom said it was a princess cut? It’s not though. Really it’s not.
Princess cut diamonds are actually more flat whereas this one is a bit more bubbly. Their corners are also a huge giveaway because they’re very pointy. Below is an example of a ring with a princess cut diamond.
The corners are really significant in the way that they extend out whereas the corners in Felicity’s ring stop slightly short of a perfect square. Princesses also have this vaulted look where everything distinctly seems to dive toward the center of the stone.
I also asked one of our staff gemologists too, and first of all from just looking at it we can tell it’s probably a prop ring because the cut doesn’t look a whole lot like the real stones that we see all the time with the amount of brilliance and sparkle they make at any angle (this could be a lighting or post-production trick that they did or they purposely got a stone that didn’t shine like a good stone because it can throw off the shot lighting/focus badly when you zoom in that close), but shape-wise because of the bubbly contours it’s probably more of a cushion or radiant cut.
Well, the corners are a give away as well as what amount of the faceting you can see. There are only four types of shapes that have cut-off or rounded corners and they are: asscher, emerald, radiant, and cushion. The fact that it’s square-ish cancels out emerald since emeralds are rectangular and asscher cuts are essentially square emeralds, and both asscher and emerald are step-cut stones which gives them a kind of windowed or glass staircase-like look to them. The “diamond” in the picture doesn’t have that. It has some amount of sparkle to it based on the facets that we can see, so it’s probably a cushion or a radiant and both of these stone types can be as square or rectangular as you want them. Our staff gemologist leans more toward cushion, but I was thinking more radiant because it reminds me of a radiant cut sapphire that we had in office recently.
The sapphire is a lot more shiny looking at the angle I shot it because you’re staring right into the center of it whereas the picture of Felicity’s ring is from the side, but with this gif you can kind of tell what the table of the stone looks like, which I think is more similar to Felicity’s stone. Notably the center flat part whereas a lot of cushion stones have more of a tendency to have lots of tiny facets across the table of the stone since they’re a form of brilliant cut. Cushions have sub-categories though for their faceting as well, which I won’t get into, so it could really depend on a lot of things but we only have one photo. The radiant cut though has that little square-ish bit right in the middle kind of like in Felicity’s stone. Some cushions do have that too, but there’s a lot more tiny facets all along the way to make the bubble shape whereas the table of the radiant is slightly less than that. It’s also kind of a cross between a brilliant cut stone like a cushion or princess with an emerald or an asscher, so it’s kind of possible for a radiant to have more of the window-y look that Felicity’s ring does in that picture where you can see through to the velvet lining of the box.
The setting though is super original looking. It’s a type of split shank ring where the band of the ring splits off into three thinner pieces as it approaches the center diamond. The outer two bands are set with u-pave diamonds (notable because they’re held in the band with prongs and the side is shaped like a u with no walls) and the center one is relatively plain, but there “o” shapes just underneath the diamond on either side that are pave set (regular pave has diamonds set between walls with prongs).
Style-wise those side “o” shapes almost make the ring kind of like a three stone ring style, which represents a couple’s past present and future, but it’s still quite different since they’re not actual stones. You just get clusters of sparkle in those same spots. The “o” shapes though, reminded me a lot of the ring below from our site.
It’s pretty much because of the fact that there’s a random round something that sits between the split shank of the ring, but that round something is probably rather telling for Oliver since he’s the Arrow so they’re like tiny little bull’s eyes. The above though has regular pave along the band.
Overall, it’s probably a bit more close to something like this:
It’s missing the center plain band on either side, but the split shank bands are set with u-pave and there’s a little extra sparkle just under the center diamond in the form of side diamonds sitting in the middle of the split.
There weren’t a whole lot good shots of the side, but from what I think I could gather, it looked like the ring had a basket under the center stone that had a gallery decorated with filigree like this ring.
But the band itself is cathedral set so it has those side gaps like in this ring so the sides rise up past the general circular contours of the ring that hug the finger and go up to meet the stone:
The size of the center stone itself I’m not sure of as I don’t have a good eye for that really, but it’s definitely larger that a 1 carat. I personally would guess it to be probably more than a 3 ct to my untrained eye, but I’m probably low balling to be honest since I see a lot more round cut stones coming through our facility and 3 ct in round looks pretty large already, but it’s because the round shape concentrates a lot of the mineral centrally. When you have a square shaped stone like a cushion or a radiant, there’s mineral that adds to the weight that goes into the corner so proportionally a square-shaped stone looks smaller than a round of the same carat weight which means it’d probably be even greater than 3 ct. Maybe even comparable to the radiant cut sapphire that I compared it to earlier and that was a stone that was more than 6 carats. Sapphires weigh a bit more than diamonds though, so for the same proportions, perhaps closer to 5.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this examination of Felicity Smoak’s ring. I know some fans out there were really trying to get a hold of something similar or maybe want that to be their dream ring, so I hope this post is informative and helpful to you in your search or your journey to perhaps craft a custom replica if that’s the style you want to ask for.
This bit of information is all based off a sighting in a show, but we also offer inspiration through our celebrity engagement ring gallery where you can peruse a number of the most famous engagement rings that have been crafted and worn by Hollywood elites. The rings they wear inspire the dreams of everyone and a fairytale romance, so if you want to get some ideas on the kind of style you want, that’s a great page to check out.