You Set Your Engagement Ring Budget: Now What?

how to buy an engagement ring Setting an engagement ring budget is typically the easy part when starting the process of buying an engagement ring. Once your budget is set though, where do you go from there? There are so many diamonds out there and so many different settings to choose from. It can be quite overwhelming! In my experience, since there are two moving pieces, you need to lock one down in order to figure out the other. If you do this, you’ll make the rest of the process quite simple!

When I first meet with a client, I try to help them figure out a starting point. Do they want to put most of their budget towards a larger diamond? Do they have their heart set on a particular engagement ring setting? Typically, if we can lock one part down, it makes the second part super easy. For example, if a customer has a $5000 budget and is set on buying setting for $2000, then I know we have $3000 to play with to find the best diamond for their budget. Likewise, if they have a $5000 budget and want to spend $4000 on the diamond, then I know we have $1000 for their setting. If we know how to allocate the budget, it makes things a lot easier!

I love helping customers when it comes to finding that perfect loose diamond and engagement ring setting! I find that more often than not, women drop hints to their significant others about what they want in their engagement ring. Listen closely! They may have mentioned that they only want a solitaire setting or that they love cushion cut diamonds. Perhaps they want a halo engagement ring setting! If you know where to start, this process will be quite easy. However, if you only have your budget locked down and you have no idea where to start, we are here to help guide you! This should be a fun and exciting process and with the help of the deBebians staff, it will be!

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