While plain bands or diamond rings are the norm for most women’s choice of wedding band, some women crave something different in terms of style as well as the statement you wish to make. We have a number of different options available, ranging from black diamond eternity band rings to diamond eternity bands with natural gemstones that would make wonderful non traditional wedding bands for women.
Not only these non traditional wedding bands absolutely gorgeous, they are also typically less expensive than plain diamond eternity bands. A black diamond eternity band would pair beautifully with a diamond engagement ring. These rings are available in varying carat weights to ensure that your wedding ring does not overpower or outshine your engagement ring. You could even select a gemstone and diamond eternity bands setting that integrates the birthstone of your wedding month into the band. This is a unique idea to keep your wedding day with you always in another way.
What kinds of non traditional wedding bands are your favorites? Be the first to share your ideas with our readers in the comments section of this post.