A gold signet ring is a timeless and classic gift for any woman. I received a custom hand engraved gold signet ring for my graduation from high school years ago. I wore it for years before getting married, but I still have it locked away somewhere safe and I plan to pass it down to my daughter when she grows older.
Here are a few of my favorite gold signet rings from deBebians. We offer a variety of styles, engraving options and have recently made some beautiful one-of-a-kind custom signet rings. We even made one with a frame of pave set round diamonds.
Check our custom signet ring gallery for ideas…
Oval Center Ladies Gold Signet Rings
This gold signet ring is one of my personal favorites. It has the oval shape that I prefer along with a solid back. The main photo of this gold signet ring features three hand engraved initials in the interlocking traditional monogram.
Yellow Gold Oval Custom Signet Rings
Probably our most popular gold signet ring, SRRS112 features an open back design with a nice oval shape face. With an open back design, this gold signet ring is able to weigh a little less in terms of gram weight making it quite reasonably priced. The main photo on this product page is also shown with hand engraved interlocking initials in a traditional monogram. Recently I sold this ring to a customer who was going to present it to his new bride with her new initials on their wedding day. How sweet!
If you are looking for that perfect gift, be sure to consider a gold signet ring. You can customize them with a special engraving or even add some diamonds or gemstones. A gold signet ring will never go out of style and can eventually be passed down. I look forward to giving my daughter the gold signet ring that I received when I graduated from high school!