Elizabeth Taylor’s Diamonds to be Auctioned after World Tour

Elizabeth Taylor’s belongings left behind are to be auctioned after taking a tour around the world.  The auctions are being scheduled to start in December 2011 and will be hosted by Christie’s.  The classic Hollywood star has left behind some of the world’s most famous diamonds and they will be traveling around the globe in a final retrospective display before being sold to the highest bidder.

Liz Taylor passed on this last March at the age of 79.  She was famous for her beautiful violet eyes, successful acting career during the “Golden Age of Hollywood” and the early championing of HIV and AIDS awareness programs.

She was also known for living a lavish lifestyle and amongst the diamond jewelry left behind by the legend are the Grand Duchess Vladimir Suite, Krupp Diamond, a Cartier Tiara, and the Taj Mahal Diamond.

The Grand Duchess Vladimir Suite, a collection of earrings, necklace, bracelet and brooch all set with diamonds and emeralds made by Bulgari, was acquired by Taylor in 1964 and her famous favorite Krupp Diamond, an Asscher cut 33.19 carat diamond set in a ring, was gifted to her in 1968.  The Krupp Diamond is also known at one of the world’s clearest diamonds. Also part of her diamond collection is the Taj Mahal diamond, a heart shape cut diamond set in yellow gold pendant.

The world tour of her possessions will start in Fall and end in New York in December to be auctioned off.

“This collection of her many cherished possessions will bring us closer to the essence of Elizabeth Taylor’s unique spirit, and promises to inspire admiration, delight, and at times sheer wonder, in all who come to see it,”  stated the president of Christie’s, Marc Porter.

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