August Shopping Guide: Leos and Peridots

Shared Prong Peridot and Diamond Ring

Shared Prong Peridot and Diamond Ring

Leos rejoice as it is our month of August and it’s time to talk about us!  The illustrious birthstone for August and for the lions in the zodiac is the lovely green peridot gemstone.

Peridot is an extremely appropriate gemstone to accompany the magnanimous feline.  Ancient Egyptians once called it the “gemstone of the sun” and Leo, of course, is tied to the astrological “planet” the Sun.

The glowing stone is also a form of volcanic rock and has been found in locations that have had volcanic eruptions as well.  As a result, the stone is closely tied to Hawaii’s Goddess of Fire, Pele.  With such a fiery background to it, it is truly a fitting stone for the fire sign of Leo.

The peridot is imbued with positivity and is said to shine with a bright light of hope and can help to realize dreams.  Lions and lionesses alike should be able to relate to this well as Leos tend to be born leaders that are enthusiastic and generally cheerful.

The charming light green stone is also said to supply its bearer’s with wisdom and protect them from negative influences like betrayal, bitterness, jealousy, anger, sadness, and calamity, which is incredibly useful for August babes as Leos, while truly glowing in awesomeness, can get to be too prideful (thinking you’re the center of the universe comes with the territory of being represented by the Sun) and can also sometimes be a bit too trusting and naive.  Because of this, the peridot is an extremely appropriate calming influence on the lion and would make a really ideal gift idea for someone with an August birthday.  It also allows us to show pride about one of our favorite subjects — us.

Also, speaking as a lioness myself, the following are some of my favorite products that I suggest to anyone trying to shop for the feline in their life. (AKA Somebody should buy me these for my birthday. *hint hint*)

#1:  U-Prong Peridot and Diamond Ring

U-Prong Peridot and Diamond

As much as I also like the shared prong version of this (pictured at the top of the post), I really prefer the U-prong style to go with peridots and diamonds.  Diamonds have unmatched shine and they just radiate so much more fervently in a U-prong setting since more light is able to access the gemstone.  You’re able to get more of the inner glow from the peridots as well with the visibility in this setting and it just seems so much more graceful and effortless, which as conceited as I know this entry sounds, is actually really important to us Leos since many Leos I know, myself included, are actually more subtle in how we actually present our self-pride and really only write or talk like this to be silly because we are acutely aware of how others don’t always want to talk about us.  Our abilities and the way we present ourselves emit our radiance stronger than any boasting could just as the U-prong setting allows the natural beauty and elegance of the stones to be in the limelight through its presentation.

#2:  Peridot and Diamond Landmark Eternity Peridot and Diamond Landmark Eternity

Landmark eternities have been one of my favorite jewelry styles since we added them to  the site.  I really like the spacing on them because it is more subtle and it’s more practically meaningful.  Landmark rings represent a significant occasion like a graduation or a new job that deserves to be celebrated, but is more affordable than a traditional eternity ring and is much more secure and comfortable to wear because of its smooth contours.

#3: Floating Peridot Pendant

Floating Peridot Halo Pendant

While I’m not usually one for halos, I definitely like them in this float style motif and I find it to be more appropriate for a pendant.  Pendants are always great gifts because they are really easy to maintain.  Leos tend to be more on the active side, so having a little extra bling around the neck rather than on the finger is a smart move.  They’re also a great accessory that complements many fine, luxurious outfits and we really do like luxury.

If you don’t see something that you think your Leo will like, don’t be afraid to call in to ask for a quote for a custom order.  We have reasonable prices even for custom versions of our products and can even easily make custom versions of existing products.  For instance, what if you saw an engagement ring style that you liked but wanted a peridot center stone?  No problem!  Just call us and we can discuss the process with you!  These three rings below are some of my favorites that I would love to see in a peridot version.

Custom Peridot Ring Ideas

We hope you enjoyed this look at August’s birthstone and have a better insight into the big cat of the zodiac.

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