Matt Damon to Renew Wedding Vows

One of the nicest men in Hollywood, Matt Damon, and his lovely wife, Luciana Bozán Barroso, are renewing their wedding vows in nine days.  The couple was married in a civil ceremony in December 2005 in Manhattan.  The couple wanted to plan a more lavish celebration since their wedding was a private, small-scale affair.

The ceremony is said to be taking place at a resort on the island of St. Lucia where the happy couple will exchange wedding rings for a second time.  Their guest list is said to include members of their family as well as Ben Affleck and wife Jennifer Garner, and George Clooney.  It is rumored that the event is expected to cost a cool $1 million.

Damon is best known for his roles in the Borne franchise and Good Will Hunting.  He and Michael Douglas star in the upcoming HBO movie Behind the Candelabra: The Secret Life of Liberace.