What are GIA Certified Diamonds?

We offer both EGL and GIA certified diamonds in our loose diamond search.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) was founded in 1931 and is the world’s most reliable independent laboratory that grades diamonds, colored stones, and pearls.  The GIA was created to protect purchasers of gemstones by creating and implement standards of measurement for gemstone quality.  They provide education, laboratory services, research, and the instruments needed to determine the quality of gemstones.  For these reasons, GIA certified diamonds are the most sought after diamonds in the world.

GIA is a nonprofit institute and believes in upholding the highest standards of integrity in terms of diamond and gemstone grading.  Because of the value associated with diamonds, GIA created a universal grading system for comparing diamonds and to determine their quality.  GIA diamonds are therefore graded on the 4Cs–carat, color, clarity, and cut.  We offer both EGL and GIA certified diamonds in our loose diamond search database.  Our company strongly believes in the ideals that GIA also holds dear, which is why our GIA graduate gemologists personally inspect each and every loose diamond that our customers purchase.

If a diamond does not meet our standards, our GIA graduate gemologists will assist you in finding the perfect center stone(s) for your engagement ring or any other important piece of jewelry that you are interested in creating with us.  Please contact us at your convenience if you have any additional questions.