Recently Purchased Eternity Bands from deBebians

It is always the perfect time to purchase a piece of jewelry from deBebians because there is always a special occasion just around the corner, such as a wedding anniversary or birthday. I have selected three of my favorite eternity bands that are also recently purchased pieces from our collection. We carry a huge selection of eternity rings that feature diamonds, gemstones, or moissanite. Please browse our entire selection to see all available styles and carat weights. You may call one of our customer care specialists before placing your order if you would like assistance.

1. Cushion Anniversary Eternity Ring


Style # CEB-510V

These two cushion cut eternity rings are set with approximately 5.10 cttw each. The diamonds have F-G color and VS clarity, giving the rings amazing sparkle and brilliance.

2. Alternating Bezel Set Scalloped Diamond Eternity Band


Style # DSBE-01

This bezel eternity ring is one of our most popular styles. The clean lines and scalloped pattern make this an ideal eternity band to be worn next to an engagement ring or stacked with other eternity ring designs. However, the ring is also lovely and elegant when worn alone.

3. Eternity Ring with Radiant Diamonds


Style # RED-300S

This ring is another take on the traditional shared prong design, but the ring features radiant cut diamonds. The diamonds weigh approximately 3.00 cttw and may be set into your choice of 14 kt gold, 18 kt gold, or platinum.

Update: This post was originally published on September 21, 2015. It was updated with new information on February 14, 2019.